Household budgets are being squeezed on all fronts for families across the country and the rising cost of food is affecting everyone. For us, it is now more important than ever to make sure we give children a really healthy, hearty meal every day that they are in school. It’s just one of the things we can do to help families as they navigate these difficult times.
We are very lucky to have wonderful relationships with our produce suppliers, all of whom are as passionate about good food as we are. And it’s when things get really hard that the strength of this community of suppliers really comes into its own.
Healthy and affordable meals every day at school
These long-standing relationships allow us to all work together to make sure our meals remain affordable, while still being made using the wonderful vegetables grown just down the road, quality British meat and delicious, freshly baked bread from a local bakery. We could not have done this, had we not had such incredibly committed local suppliers and such strong relationships. We are very fortunate.
Here at the Farm Kitchen, we really do care about the food we cook every day for the thousands of children around the county. And we’re committed to making sure that these meals are not only healthy and taste great, but that they are packed full of locally grown, in season and locally sourced produce. Championing local farmers and suppliers is central to everything we do here, which is why we will be taking part in British Food Fortnight 17th September – 2nd October 2022) and showcasing the local people and businesses that make our meals so good.